We are very excited to introduce our Circus Lab Loyalty Program! This program gives you over $1200 in additional benefits over the course of a year!
Make-up classes: Sometimes life happens… a sprained ankle from PE class, too much homework, out with the flu. With the Loyalty Program, you can make up those classes you missed anytime (including into the next session) as long as you remain a loyalty member. You are not restricted to current makeup policies.
Insurance: That annual insurance fee? We’ve got that covered.
Try-It Classes: Once a month you can try another class; check out a new apparatus, or take an additional class in a skill you are already learning.
Open Gym Drop-in: Come practice what you’ve learned! Our Friday night Open Gym Drop-ins are included as part of the program.
Bring a Friend: Once a month you can bring a friend to join you in class. Show off your skills – it is the circus after all!
Birthday Parties: Book your birthday party with us and save 50%.
Free Tickets to Circus Lab Shows: Get 3 free tickets to both the Mid-Year and Year-End shows put on by our Intensive Students!
Special Ticket Prices: We have the hook up to discounted tickets to Cirque du Soleil when they are in town!
All this for only $31/month/student!
For more information, or to join our Loyalty Program, please contact us at info@thecircuslab.ca or 604-357-5277.